Thursday, September 4, 2008


Kate just looked so cute the other day playing in her room that I had to post these. She loves to pull herself up on everthing now and walk along. It's great except for when I try and put her down for a nap. As soon as I put her in bed, she stands up and will just play there for like an hour. I can't get her to lay down. Any ideas? (other than tying her down) She is just getting over her first cold of her life. Most people are shocked that she hasn't been sick yet. We have been so lucky that she is such a healthy little girl. Oh ya, her first top tooth just popped through. Now she is up to 1 on top and 3 on the bottom.

She loves to play this little piano and rock out to twinkle twinkle little star...


The Hille's said...

Those pink and brown leggings are to die for! Way too adorable! What a fun age. It only gets more fun from here.

Mindy said...

she is so cute! Ashlyn is doing the same thing in her crib. (won't lay down for a nap) But she'll cry and cry as long as I let her (which isn't very long cuz I can't take it) and I end up having to get her out and bounce her to sleep the little stinker! so if you find something that works, let me know!

Amanda&Wade said...

Hi Heidi! I found your blog through cari, hope you don't mind. I just thought I'd say hi, and tell you how cute I think your daughter is! And could you be any prettier! You look gorgeous in every shot!

The Morales Family said...

ok you guys Kate is getting so big!! And she is so dang Cute!!