So Crew turned 2 weeks on Tuesday, and it has all been a big blur. I thought with this being my second, I would somewhat know what I was doing, boy was I wrong. I now believe when people say that every baby is so different. Things that worked for Kate don't work for him. He is doing great though, Paul and I are just a little tired. He still has his days and nights confused and I swear he wants to eat every five minutes. But he is the sweetest boy ever and we love him so much. He had his 2 week check up today and here are his stats.
8 lb. 5 oz. (33%)
20 3/4 inches (47%)
14.25 inches head circum. (27%)
The doc was quite happy with his weight gain. A pound and a half in just two weeks! Another fun fact is that he rolled from his tummy to his back when he was just 10 days old. I thought it was a one time thing, but now he does it almost everytime we put him on his tummy.
Here are a few pics from this last week.
loving his photo shoot
he totally looks like he is smiling!
check out those chicken legs..
Paul thought with all his weight gain he needed to start running on the treadmill.