Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Fun stuff....

So here are a few updates. Kate's 3rd tooth popped through on the bottom. Now she has 3 on the bottom and none on the top. She is loving to clap, wave and give kisses. She is not quite crawling yet, but is so close. She just scoots and rolls all over the place. Here are some random pics from the last little bit......

Cousin Hali made a fort for Kate. She is the best little babysitter.

When Tammy's family came to visit a couple of weeks ago, we all went up to Jungle Jim's to let the kids play. Here is Kate on her first ride on a carousel.

Kate and papa riding the jeeps.

Kate and Hazel playing in their jammies.

Kate helping me fold laundry. She is such a good helper.

Working on her crawling.
I guess I can't only put beautiful pictures up of Kate. She needs a not so cute one every now and then. She loves to sit on our bed and play the piano. Doesn't she look pretty?
This is her new favorite thing. She holds on to the ties from her bumper pads and balances. She will stand here for like ten minutes and balance herself. She is so funny!
Mowing the lawn with grandpa.
My mom, Mindy and her kids, Amanda, and Kate I all went up to Salt Lake yesterday for an adventerous day off shopping and lunch at the Cheesecake Factory. Kate loves to drink water out of a straw when we go out. I wish we would have gone today instead becuase it is their 30th Anniversary so all of the Cheesecake is $1.50 a slice instead of $7.

Monday, July 14, 2008

My week.....

A lot went on last week, so here we go. I am going to just put it all in one big post....

Sunday, July 6th....
My family had an early birthday dinner for me. We had an italian feast. It was so delicious! Here's Kate helping me blow out my candles.

After dinner we went cruising around on the razor scooters. Man, we are lame.

Monday July 7th...
We went to Farm Country at Thanksgiving Point. Kate has never really acted scared of anything yet, but she was a little freaked out of the animals.....
Especially the baby chicks. She was on the verge of freaking out right here.

Kate's first pony ride. She looked so cute on the baby pony. I couldn't really tell if she liked it or not, but it was sure cute to watch!

These horses pulled us on a big wagon ride. It was fun, but so freaking hot! I wish the wagon was shaded....

Tuesday, July 8th
My real birthday. I turned 27. Wow, I am getting old! Here I am eating cake on my 1st birthday. Does Kate look anything like me?

Paul had to work on my b-day, but we went to dinner at Carrabba's that night (my very favorite restaraunt). He surprised me and had a few friends there to celebrate. Thanks, Paul!

Thursday July 10th.... Kate turned 8 months today! I can't believe she is getting so big. She is learning so much and is just a little doll. Here she is shopping with me at Costco. She looks like such a big girl sitting up in the cart. I love to take her places with me. She is obsessed with looking at everyone that walks by, especially little kids. She gets so excited and gets a huge smile on her face when she sees kids playing.

My little doll. She looked so cute in this little dress on Sunday.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Little Swimmer.....

So yesterday was Kate's last day of swimming lessons and I am so sad. We went every morning for the past two weeks to a parent-tot class. It was so much fun! Paul got to swim with her on the days that he didn't work. She absolutely loves the water and she never cried once, even when we dunked her. They would work on a new skill everyday. Here are a few pics of her accomplishments.

Jumping off the side.....

Doing the Hokey Pokey. Paul was really enjoying this as you can see....
Learning to blow bubbles. She was a little young for this one, she never quite caught on.

At the end of class, they got to pick a toy and go have free time on the beach front.
Mindy's kids had lessons at the same time so we got to play with them everyday after class.

Getting ready to go under.....

Working on her back float....

One day after lessons, all of the kids went to grandma's house and got in her big "bubble tub".
I need to think of something to do every morning now that swimming lessons are over.....

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy 4th!

I swear I don't feel like summer really begins until the 4th of July. Friday was such a long day, but it was so much fun and it finally felt like summer. We got up at 5:30 to go see the hot air balloons in Provo. That is a tradition that we do with my family every year. We used to go out to breakfast afterwards, but everyone had the same idea and so every restaraunt in the county was packed. So now we go to Heather & Brett's and cook a big breakfast. After that, we floated the Provo River, went to a BBQ/swimming party at my uncle's, went to Paul's parents house to visit, then finished off with fireworks at Paul's brother Jay's house. I felt so bad dragging Kate around all day, but she was such the little trooper. We just couldn't let her have her first 4th of July without seeing firesworks. Here are a few pics from the balloons. Remember it is 6:30 in the morning....

Cute Hali & Garret
We miss you tam tam! You need to be in this picture.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Park City....

So we just got back from a mini family vacation to Park City. We went with my family and stayed in my uncle's condo. It was so fun just to hang out and relax. We had a BBQ, went on the Alpine Slide, went swimming and did a little shopping. It is so pretty up there this time of year...

Kate looks a little crazy in this pic with aunt Amanda. I love her little bottom lip sticking out though.

The whole gang after the Alpine Slide. My mom and dad were nice enough to hang out at the bottom with Kate so that Paul and I could go. I love how it looks like we are pushing around an empty stroller. Kate was just laying down taking a little nap.

I love this picture. If you look close, we all look a little deformed. I'm pulling some weird face, Amanda's eye is all weird and squinty and Kate is pulling a funny face.