Today we went swimming at my aunt's house in Alpine. Kate loved going down the slide, and I love the total cheeser on Paul's face.
Paul started working nights tonight. (6 pm-6am). I think I am going to die. At least it is only 3 nights a week. Kate and I were a little bored, so I decided to see if she looked like a boy if I put her in her robot pj's and slicked over her hair. What do you think?
Ok, I will be the brave one to comment on this post...If I had just glanced at Kate I would have to say yes she looks like a boy...but because I have seen Kate in her girlie outfits, bows, and the way she smiles I'd have to say, NO WAY!
Gabe has the same pj' I am wondering if he looked like a girl especially with his long hair!!
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